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I-20 extension

Learn how to extend the I-20 before it expires.

Overview and Definition

Students needing to continue their studies past the program end date listed in the I-20 must request an I-20 extension. Extension requests can be made for a minimum of one semester and a maximum of one year at a time. Students who need an additional two years to complete their coursework will need to extend their I-20 two times (one year at a time). 


It is the student's responsibility to review their I-20 and be aware of when their I-20 will "expire" or end.  In order to apply for the I-20 extension at the University of Utah, a student must be both academically eligible as well as compliant with U.S. federal government regulations. 

When to apply for an I-20 extension


ISSS must receive the I-20 extension request before the student's I-20 expires. Students can submit their extension request at any time during the semester their I-20 is going to expire.  If the student's I-20 expires BEFORE they submit the I-20 Extension request to ISSS , they will be considered out of status and will need to reinstate. 

Students must be aware that the I-20 Extension request will take time as it requires a departmental approval and ISSS approval. Do not wait until the last minute to submit an I-20 Extension Request. It is recommended that you submit your request is no later than 30 days before your I-20 end date. 

Application Steps

  1. Login to UAtlas and go to "F-1 Maintain Your Status"

    Complete the "I-20 Extension Request" e-form.

  1. Upload Required Financial Supporting Documents and/or Affidavit of Support

    In the e-form, students are required to submit Financial Proof of Funding for the additional semesters that will be added to their I-20. For example, if the student is needing to extend by one semester, they must provide proof for that one semester.

    The documents must be issued within the last 6 months and be translated in English. Depending on the degree level, students must demonstrate the required amount or a higher amount according to the funding estimates for the academic year and the calculations made. 

    Funding estimates for undergraduate students may be found at the Undergraduate Costs page. 

    Funding estimates for graduate students may be found at the Graduate Costs page. 

    Be aware that the estimated expense for each dependent is $6,000, meaning you will add $6,000 on top of the required estimated costs for every dependent.

    Students with full department funding can just provide a funding letter from the department. The letter must be issued within the past 6 months, signed and on department letter head.

    If the Financial Documents are from another individual, they are REQUIRED to fill out the Affidavit of Support document and upload to the e-form request. 

  1. Academic Advisor also known as the “Secondary Approver” reviews the student’s application

    The academic advisor or program coordinator in your department will receive the application first and will review the information the student has entered. The advisor will approve it academically.

    If the department does not approve of the request, they will inform an ISSS advisor.


  1. A Designated School Official (DSO) from ISSS will review the completed application.

    Once the DSO receives the completed application, they will process within 10 business days. DSOs will review the student's application and department approval to determine if they are eligible. Once the application is approved, the student will receive an email from ISSS.

  1. Receiving the Extension I-20

    Once the application is approved, the DSO will send the I-20 electronically through UAtlas. Students will receive a second email with instructions on how to retrieve the I-20. Students are advised to immediately print and sign the I-20.

Last Updated: 6/12/24