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International Student Association 

Our Mission ISA logo

The International Student Association (ISA) is an official ASUU student group founded by international students from around the globe attending the University of Utah. The group is open to international and domestic students looking to build this international community here on campus. ISA Executive Board Members and group members come from many different nations, cultural backgrounds, and fields of study. Our objective is to create opportunities in which cultural sharing and learning can happen, and to advocate for the needs of international students on our campus and in the Salt Lake City community.

What We Do

ISA adds value to the University of Utah by creating safe, welcoming, and engaging spaces for international students to connect and share experiences. Navigating a foreign university can be very challenging, but ISA makes this transition easier by providing activities, sharing resources, and offering support.

Past ISA activities include the annual International Night, Karaoke Night, outdoor adventures, professional sporting events, cultural classes and workshops, holiday celebrations, and much more! See the photo gallery below for examples of past activities.

How You Can Get Involved

ISC Officers

Apply to be an ISA Board Member!

The ISA Executive Board is made up of both international and domestic students at the U. We are always looking for motivated and passionate ISA board members. If you are interested in applying for one of these positions, please do so here.

You may also contact

Current board positions:

Responsibilities of the ISA President:

  • Lead ISA meetings
  • Work with Executive Secretary to create meeting agendas
  • Delegate duties to officers as needed
  • Responsible for official communication between officers via email and messaging
  • Work with Vice President to establish and implement a mission statement
  • Serve as main liaison between officers and ISSS advisor
  • Make executive decisions, with the council of the Vice President, as necessary
  • Responsible for recruiting and onboarding new officers, as needed
  • Assist the Director of Finances with budgeting and ASUU funding requests
  • Act as the “face” of ISA during International Night and other activities
  • Attend all ISA activities and events, whenever possible

Responsibilities of the ISA Vice President:

  • Assist President with his or her duties and share the responsibilities carried by the President
  • Preside at ISA meetings
  • Monitor the ISA Gmail inbox; respond to emails and share pertinent messages with the other officers during ISA meetings
  • Assume the roles of the President when he or she is unavailable
  • Work with President to establish and implement a mission statement
  • Attend all ISA activities and events, whenever possible
  • Carry out duties delegated by the President

Responsibilities of the ISA Executive Secretary:

  • Work with the President to create agendas for ISA meetings, and distribute to all officers
  • Take detailed notes during ISA meetings, and distributes to all officers via email
  • Manage and update ISA emailing lists
  • Assist the President in editing ISA forms and documents, as needed
  • Attend all ISA activities and events, whenever possible
  • Carry out duties delegated by the President

Responsibilities of the ISA Treasurer:

  • Manage the ISA budget, and propose budget changes when necessary
  • Prepare, submit, and facilitate ASUU funding with the assistance of the President and Director of International Night
  • Attend ASUU Funding request meetings (see here for details)
  • Attend all ISA activities and events, whenever possible
  • Carry out duties delegated by the President

 Responsibilities of the ISA Director of Marketing:

  • Manage and post regularly to the ISA Instagram account about events and opportunities
  • Create and distribute marketing materials to advertise ISA events
  • Serves as official ISA photographer, and manage photo albums
  • Work with other officers to participate in tabling opportunities to promote ISA
  • Establish and cultivate the ISA brand in all advertising
  • Attend all ISA activities and events, whenever possible
  • Carry out duties delegated by the President

Responsibilities of the ISA Excecutive Board Member:

  • Assist in organizing regular activities to engage with and support international students at the U
  • Attend all ISA activities and events, whenever possible
  • Promote intercultural awareness and understanding in the campus community as representatives of ISA
  • Carry out duties delegated by the President

ISA Board Members 2024-25

Stephania president



Kei vice president


Vice President

ayan treasurer



Ava director of marketing


Director of Marketing

raskha events coordinator


Event Coordinator

abbas secretary


Executive Secretary





 Past ISA Activities

Gorgoza Park Snow TubingGorgoza Park Snow TubingGorgoza Park Snow TubingGorgoza Park Snow TubingSilver Lake Hike


Silver Lake HikeSilver Lake HikeInternational NightInternational NightInternational Night

Contact and Connect



Last Updated: 6/12/24