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post-completion Optional practical training (OPT)

Learn about the process of applying for Post-Completion OPT to work after graduation.

Students are not allowed to work on or off-campus, paid or unpaid, after your program end date on your I-20 until you receive your EAD card AND your Post-Completion OPT start date on the EAD has begun.

overview and definition

Post-Completion Optional Practical Training (Post-Completion OPT) is designed to provide graduating students an opportunity to gain temporary employment experience within their program of study for one year after completing their program. Permission for this temporary employment is obtained through the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The employment must be directly related to the student's major field of study and appropriate for the level of education. Students may work anywhere in the United States and are required to report their employment

Please note that this is not an entitled benefit. USCIS has the right to deny any OPT application at their discretion. It is the student's responsibility to ensure they are paying the correct fee and filling out the correct application. 

2025 OPT Workshop Event Details

Attendance is mandatory to avoid any confusion in the process and ask advisors questions. Registration is required through UAtlas and opens 30 days prior to each workshop. Below is a schedule of dates for the year.

  2025 OPT Workshops  
Semester Date Time
Spring Thursday, January 23, 2025 2 PM to 3:30 PM (MST)
Spring  Friday, March 7, 2025 2 PM to 3:30 PM (MST)
Summer Tuesday, May 20, 2025 11  AM to 12:30 PM (MST)

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Application Review

Students interested in attending walk-in advising are encouraged to come with specific questions to the application but we will not review the entire application. Please review the "Applying for the Post-OPT I-20" section below.

Eligibility Requirements

Lawful Status

Students must have been lawfully enrolled full-time for at least two consecutive semesters and in active F-1 status immediately prior to finishing your degree and applying for OPT.

More information can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions under "General." 

Program End Date

Students must have an anticipated program end date.

Graduate with a Degree

Students must be graduating with a Bachelor's, Masters or Ph.D. degree. 

Non-degree students, students attending certificate programs, and those doing post-doctoral research are not qualified for OPT.

Full-Time CPT (12 Months)

Students must not have accumulated more than 12 months of full-time CPT during the student's current degree level. Students are responsible for tracking their full-time CPT months. 

Utah Asia Campus (UAC) Students

Students transitioning to the University of Utah main campus from the Asia Campus must have completed two consecutive full-time semesters at the main (Salt Lake City) campus and must be attending the main campus in their final semester to be eligible to apply for OPT.

Processing Time & Expedited Requests (ISSS)

The Post-Completion OPT I-20 will be processed by ISSS within 10 business days once the application is submitted.

ISSS is not able to expedite any request as we strive to provide fair and equitable service to all students. It is the student's responsibility to ensure they submit their request in a timely manner.

Calling or emailing ISSS to ask for your request to be expedited will slow down the process. We ask that you patiently wait until a decision is made. 

OPT I-20 (30 Day Validity)

Student must submit the OPT application to USCIS within 30 days from when the I-20 was issued by ISSS. Contact ISSS immediately if you have not submitted your OPT application to USCIS and your I-20 is older than 30 days. 

To request a new OPT I-20, students must submit a NEW OPT I-20 request to ISSS and not an I-20 Reprint Request. 

90 Days of Unemployment

Students on approved Post-OPT are allowed up to 90 days of unemployment during their authorized OPT. Students must work at least 21 hours per week or more to be considered employed full-time. If students work fewer than 20 hours per week, it may be using up unemployment days. 

If students use up all of their unemployment days, they are considered out of status. Students do not get an additional grace period, and should leave the U.S. before the end of their unemployment period.

SEVP Portal

Students are responsible for notifying USCIS of their employment within 10 days of starting or ending their job. For more information about the SEVP Portal and reporting employment, students are encouraged to navigate to the Reporting Post-Completion OPT page. 


Traveling on Post-Completion OPT can be complicated depending on when the student plans to travel and if the application is pending or approved. More information about traveling can be found in our Frequently Asked Questions section. 

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graduate thesis students

A graduate thesis student who only has the thesis or equivalent remaining may either apply for Pre-completion OPT or Post-Completion OPT while completing the thesis/dissertation. If a student in this situation applies for Pre-completion OPT, he or she:

  • May work full-time. 14 SEVP Policy Guidance 1004-003 Updates to Optional Practical Training
  • Is not subject to the unemployment provision, and may receive a program extension.
  • May not apply for the 24-month extension from a period of Pre-completion OPT.
  • Would not be eligible for the cap gap extension of OPT.

Alternatively, if a student in this situation applies for Post-Completion OPT, he or she:

  • May work full-time.
  • Would be eligible for the cap-gap extension.
  • May apply for the 24-month extension if otherwise eligible.
  • Would be subject to the unemployment provisions.
  • Would be unable to receive an extension of his or her course of study. 

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Post-completion opt process

Before submitting an e-form to ISSS, the student must attend the Mandatory OPT Workshop to better understand the process of applying for OPT and when to apply for OPT.

downloadable OPT timeline calculator (excel spreadsheet)

Program End Date

The program completion date or program end date is on the student's I-20. Students will apply for OPT based on the semester the students complete program requirements. ISSS will adjust the program completion date on the student's I-20. 

The program completion date corresponds with the last day of finals for Fall and Summer graduates and commencement for Spring graduates. For thesis students, please see the next section.

Graduate Thesis Students

TA/RA/GA: If you apply for Post Completion OPT based on completion of your dissertation requirements, and that date is prior to the last day of finals for your graduating semester you will not be able to continue your assistantship assignment.

The program completion date could fall under one of following:

  • The semester the student finishes all required coursework for their degree and only have the thesis/dissertation remaining in the upcoming semester(s). 

Students who fall under this must continue to be enrolled in thesis credits (3 credits) while working on their dissertation. 

    • Example: A student finished up all of his required courses for Spring 2024 and wants to apply for OPT while working on their dissertation. The student's program end date is the last day of the Spring 2024 semester and will continue to enroll in thesis credits. 
  • The last day of the semester the student will defend.
  • The student's thesis defense date.
  • Tuition Benefit contract end date. 

It is recommended that students consult with an ISSS advisor prior to making a final decision.

Apply as Early as Possible

The OPT application window will open 90 days BEFORE the program end date (more information in the next section.) Students will also have the option to apply for OPT up to 60 days (grace period) AFTER the program end date. Students cannot submit an application to USCIS before the 90 day period or after the 60 day period as it will result in a denial. 

It is recommended that students apply during the 90 day window in order to submit and receive a decision in a timely manner. For processing time, please see the Processing Times from USCIS.

Choosing an OPT Start Date

Students are not eligible to begin working UNTIL the approved OPT start date as listed on the OPT EAD card. The OPT Start Date is only a request and may change. 

Before submitting a request to ISSS for an OPT I-20, students must pick a start date for their OPT. The start date must fall between the program end date on the I-20 and the 60-day grace period that follows.

Below are some suggestions to help the student make the right decision when picking a start date:

Choosing an Earlier OPT Start Date

Students will choose an earlier start date if they have a job lined up. If the student chooses an earlier start date and cannot find a job quickly, the student is at risk of losing unemployment days. If the student uses up their entire 90 days of unemployment they will need to leave the U.S. 

Choosing a Later OPT Start Date

Most students will choose this option so that they have more time to find a job and have a less chance to be unemployed for 90 days.

Post-Completion OPT Application Timeline

image contains text that shows the timeline of applying for post-completion OPT. Must have completed two consecutive semesters to be eligible to apply. OPT application window is 150 days. 90 days before the program end date to 60 days after. Normal USCIS processing time is around 3 months, however, please be aware it may take longer. It is recommended to apply during the 90 day window. If you submit your application towards the end of the allowed application period, you may lose part of your 12 months eligiblity. Choose any day within the 60 day grace period for OPT start date. You cannot choose a start date beyond 60 days after graduation.

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Applying for the post-opt i-20 & Form I-765 (Uscis)

Login to UAtlas

Complete the Post or Pre Completion I-20 Request e-form and indicate "Post-Completion OPT."

A Designated School Official (DSO) from ISSS will review the completed application.

Once the DSO receives the completed application, they will process it within 10 business days. DSOs will review the student's application, course enrollment and once the application is approved, the student will receive an email from ISSS.

Receiving the OPT I-20

Once the OPT request is approved, the DSO will send the I-20 electronically through UAtlas. As soon as the student receives the I-20, they must review the information on pages 1 and 2 of the I-20. Pay particular attention to the Program of Study information on page 1 and the OPT information (including requested dates) on page 2. If everything looks accurate, students should immediately print and sign and date at the bottom of page 1 in the Student Attestation section of the I-20 and scan it for the application.

 The OPT I-20 that is issued by ISSS is only valid for 30 days. Students will need to apply for OPT before the OPT I-20 is considered "old."  Students who have an old OPT I-20 will need to submit a new request to ISSS. Do NOT file for OPT with USCIS using an OPT I-20 that is more than 30 days old. We recommend that you submit it well before it reaches the 30 day mark. More information can be found in our policy section under OPT I-20 (30 Day Validity).

Prepare OPT Application for USCIS

Students are required to attend an OPT Workshop by ISSS to avoid confusion and filling out the application incorrectly. ISSS will not offer one-on-one application reviews. More information can be found at the top of the page under workshops or can be found in our Events Calendar

File I-765 Application Online

Students are required to review our guide on how to fill out an application where we have compiled all the questions taken from the application into one document and provided additional information for each question.

online application: form i-765 how-to-guide
 F-1 students wanting to avoid Form I-765 Delays are encouraged to review the tip sheet provided by the Office of the Citizenship and Immigraiton Services Ombudsman.

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After receiving approval for post-opT

Do not start employment BEFORE receiving the Employment Authorization Document (EAD) Card. 

Review the Reporting Requirements for Post-Completion OPT

Students are required to understand the requirements to report while on OPT by reviewing the Reporting Requirements for Post-Completion OPT page.

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Last Updated: 3/21/25