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If you would like to drive a car while in Utah, please review these guidelines about obtaining a driver’s license. Your SEVIS record must be activated before you can apply for a driver’s license. Your SEVIS record will be activated within the first two weeks of the semester. Please note that your SEVIS record cannot be activated until you have arrived in the U.S. and have completed document check-in process as part of orientation. To check if your SEVIS record has been activated or to request that it be activated early, you may email us at and we will respond as soon as possible.

Public Transportation

As a University of Utah student, you can use the UTA public transportation for no charge! Your student ID card (UCard) will be automatically activated during your first semester to allow you to easily use public transportation. To use the “tap on/tap off” system, simply hold your UCard on a card reader (pictured left) both when you begin AND end your journey. The card reader should make a chime sound and show a green light to indicate that your card is approved. “Tap on” when you board, “tap off” when you arrive at your destination.

It usually takes a day or two for your UCard to activate after you pick it up from the UCard office. If you “tap on” and it doesn’t work, you can tell the bus driver or train security guard that you just got your UCard and it hasn’t been activated yet. If it still doesn’t work after a couple of days, contact the UCard office. Remember to always tap your UCard before boarding UTA public transportation, as you can receive a fine if you do not.

Last Updated: 4/13/23