Reporting Requirements for STEM opt
Learn about the requirements and responsibilites while on an approved STEM OPT Extension.
overview and definition
F-1 students on an approved STEM OPT Extension are required to report to USCIS. All reporting changes and/or updates must be reported to the International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS.)
Reporting Requirements
The SEVP Portal and ISSS will send courtesy reminders to the student via email to submit their validation reports about 30 days before the reporting deadline. To avoid missing any reminders, add SEVP and ISSS to the safe sender list. Students are responsible to track and submit their validations every six months from the student's original STEM approval date.
Six Month Validation
Every six months, from the start date of the student's STEM OPT EAD card, students must confirm their address and employment information by submitting a STEM OPT: 6 Month Validation OR Annual Self-Evaluation e-form in UAtlas.
12 Month -Annual Self-Evaluation
At the 12 month mark, from the start date of the student's STEM OPT EAD card, students must submit an Annual Self-Evaluation the progress of the student's training experience.
Students will need to fill out the top part on page 5 of the Form I-983 and must be signed by the student and employer in either wet ink or digital signature and be submitted to ISSS through the STEM OPT: 6 Month Validation OR Annual Self-Evaluation e-form.
18 Month Validation
At the 18 month mark, from the start date of the student's STEM OPT EAD card, students must confirm their address and employment information by submitting a STEM OPT: 6 Month Validation OR Annual Self-Evaluation e-form in UAtlas.
24 Month Final-Evaluation
At the 24 month mark, from the start date of the student's STEM OPT EAD card, students must submit their Final Self-Evaluation, the progress of the student's training experience.
Students will need to fill out the bottom part on page 5 of the Form I-983 and must be signed by the student and employer in either wet ink or digital signature and be submitted to ISSS through the STEM OPT: 6 Month Validation OR Annual Self-Evaluation e-form.
Additional reporting requirements
STEM OPT students must report a change in this information, including any loss of employment, within 10 days of the change. The students are also responsible if any of the following apply to their situation:
Address or Contact Information
Students will be able to update their address or contact information from the SEVP Portal themselves.
Changing Employers - STEM OPT Approved
Students will submit the STEM OPT: Employment Update e-form.
Documents needed:
- A copy of EAD card (front and back)
- A current I-983 (page 1-4) with Final Evaluation (bottom half of part page 5) for employment that is ending. Page 5 must be signed by the student and the person who signed on page 4, section 6.
- A new I-983 (page 1-4) for new employer
Changing Employers While STEM Application is Pending
Students will need to submit a new STEM OPT I-20 to USCIS a second time. Please speak with one of ISSS advisors before submitting the STEM OPT: Employment Update e-form.
Documents needed:
- A new I-983 (page 1-4) for new employer.
- If the OPT STEM period started, the student must submit their current I-983 (pages 1-5) including the Final Evaluation (bottom half of page 5) for employment that ended. Page 5 must be signed by both the student and the person who signed section 6.
If your OPT STEM period has not started yet, please do not use this e-form. You must first login to your SEVP Portal and update your employer end date and add the new employer information if you will be employed on Post Completion OPT. You will then have to submit STEM OPT: 24 Month STEM Extension e-form instead of this e-form. Please write in the Additional Comments box "Changing employers while STEM application is pending. OPT STEM period has not started yet" when submitting STEM OPT: 24 Month STEM Extension e-form.
Material Changes to an Existing Form I-983 Training Plan
Students will submit the STEM OPT: Employment Update e-form.
The federal regulations require students on the STEM OPT extension and their employers to complete and sign a new I-983 Training Plan whenever there are material changes to or deviations from the training plan (the first 4 pages of the I-983) that was most recently submitted to the ISSS.
Material changes include, but not limited to:
- Change in your job role or job title.
- Change of your supervisor .
- Change in your employer name and/or address.
- Any change in compensation.
- A decrease in hours worked per week.
- Change in the employer's EIN.
- Any changes with the employer's commitment or with the learning objective of the student on page 3, section 5 (Student Role, Goals and Objectives, Employer Oversight, Measures and Assessments).
Documents needed:
- An updated I-983 (page 1-4).
Adding a New Employer (Multiple Employers)
Students will submit the STEM OPT: Employment Update e-form.
Documents needed:
- A copy of EAD card (front and back).
- A new I-983 (page 1-4) for new employer.
Form I-983 Sample when completing a new Form I-983. Students are encouraged to review the
Ending Employment Due to Resigning, Laid-Off, Starting New Program/Transfer Out or Otherwise Being Unemployed
Students will submit the STEM OPT: Employment Update e-form.
Documents needed:
- A current I-983 (page 1-4) with Final Evaluation (bottom half of part page 5) for employment that is ending. Page 5 must be signed by the student and the person who signed on page 4, section 6.
- Last date of employment - the date should match the end date of the Range of the Final Evaluation on page 5 of the I-983 form.
Transferring Out
Afterward, the student will need to either transfer their SEVIS record to the new school or will work with the Office of International Admissions if admitted to a new program at the University of Utah. More information about transferring SEVIS records can be found on our Transfer-Out page.
speak with an ISSS advisor. The transfer out or the issuing of an I-20 for a new program of study at the U must occur before the student’s OPT grace period ends. If you would like to transfer out or start an ew program before your OPT ends, please
Departing U.S. and not Returning Before the End Date on STEM OPT EAD
If the student is planning to depart the U.S. and terminate their STEM OPT, they must submit the STEM OPT: Employment Update e-form. Once the request is approved and the student’s SEVIS record is “Completed” they will not be able to return to the U.S. on their current SEVIS record / I-20.
Documents needed:
- A current I-983 (page 1-4) with Final Evaluation (bottom half of part page 5) for employment that is ending. Page 5 must be signed by the student and the person who signed on page 4, section 6.
- Last date of employment - the date should match the end date of the Range of the Final Evaluation on page 5 of the I-983 form.
- An actual departure date.
Change Status from F-1 to Another Status
Students will submit the STEM OPT: Employment Update e-form.
Students will submit this form if they are reporting a change of their status from an F-1 visa to any other type of visa or permanent residency category.
Documents needed:
- A current I-983 (page 1-4) with Final Evaluation (bottom half of part page 5). Page 5 must be signed by the student and the person who signed on page 4, section 6.
- The effective date of new status.
- Must submit Report Change of Status From F-1 e-form.
Unemployment during STEM-opt Extension
After receiving an approved STEM OPT Extension, students are permitted to have an additional 60 days of unemployment on top of any unused unemployment days from Post-OPT. If the student is close to using up all unemployment days, and cannot find full-time employment they must prepare to depart the U.S. Students who use up all unemployment days will not receive a grace period.
Report Requirements for Post-Completion OPT - Frequently Asked Questions
Students who are locked out of their portal by attempting to log in three times with incorrect information, have an expired link, or didn't receive the email may request a password by filling out the e-form "SEVIS OPT Portal Login/Password Request" through UAtlas.
If you need to reset your SEVP Portal password, please use the Reset Password link on the portal homepage.