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2013 Scholarship Recipient

Zhirong Wang

2013 Scholarship Recipient

University: University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Education level: Senior
Major: Biology
Home country: China, Shanxi providence

Zhirong is a transfer student from China and a Biology major at the University of Utah.  Zhirong chose to study at the University of Utah because of the renowned academics within the Biology department and the full spectrum of medical research. Furthermore, since the U of U is famous for research, Zhirong wanted to make an impact by participating in research during his time at the U of U. He has found the faculty within the Biology department to be very supportive and welcoming. Also, he firmly believes that the U of U really cares about undergraduate student research. At Zhirong’s university in China, he would have never have thought he could work with professors on research in such an interactive and energetic way. Nonetheless, with all the supportive opportunities for students to research and make their mark at the U of U, Zhirong is currently working as a student research assistant in the neurobiology lab and hopes to make his impact while studying at the U.

When Zhirong first arrived to Utah one year ago, he met a student in the Biology lab who was also an International Ambassador. This ambassador really inspired Zhirong to embrace his time at the U of U by becoming involved in various student groups and programs. During the first few weeks in Utah, Zhirong experienced culture shock and was intimidated to use his English to talk with students. However, Zhirong found that individuals around campus were very nice and always smiling. The friendliness from his resident adviser, individuals around campus, professors, university departments, and residents in Salt Lake City helped Zhirong feel more comfortable and confident in his new home.

Zhirong has found that while the U of U is a large institution, students need to be taken care of and at the same time become empowered and independent. Zhirong has found an entire network of support because he was open and willing to ask for help and advice. Zhirong feels that many international students may feel helpless and struggle to adapt to their new academic, social, and personal environment when they first arrive. However, he believes that all students need is reassurance and to have someone on whom they can depend. He believes all programs and departments here at the U are here to help students succeed.

Currently, Zhirong is a Campus Life Mentor in the Orientation Office, an International Ambassador, and volunteers regularly with the Bennion Center and Red Butte Garden. Zhirong believes that students cannot just stay in the lab researching—students have to embrace their life as a student outside of academics. Zhirong recommends that while students should try their best in their academics and set priorities, students should also embrace college life. He recommends international students pick a field of interest and dedicate their time to that one cause or volunteer organization. By picking one field of interest, students can make a difference and fully enjoy their experience. 

After graduating, Zhirong plans to obtain a PhD with hopes of researching, teaching, and becoming a principle investigator within the field of Biology. Zhirong plans to continue giving back to his community through his future research by helping heal people within his community.  

In his free time, Zhirong enjoys going to the movies and creating new recipes by mixing new ingredients and foods.

Zhirong is passionate about helping others. Since he received help, especially from those in his Biology lab, he wants to continue the tradition of helping others. Zhirong believes that we cannot live away from society—all students have their own knowledge, paths, and dreams and the U of U is here to help students achieve them.

Last Updated: 4/6/23