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2013 Scholarship Recipient

Zahin Rahman

2013 Scholarship Recipient

University: University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Education level: Sophomore
Major: Accounting
Home country: Bangladesh

Zahin is an Accounting Major in the David Eccles School of Business at the University of Utah. In his first year at the U of U, he has become the International Student Council (ISC) President, has obtained a part-time job in Accounting (which is not an easy feat for International Students),volunteers regularly with the Bennion Center, and he is an iMentor with the International Students & Scholars Office.

When Zahin first arrived to Utah one year ago, he did not know what to expect. However, he has discovered that the University of Utah has a lot of diversity and opportunities. When Zahin arrived to the U of U, he was given an iMentor—a current U of U student who serves as a friend and mentor to incoming international students. Zahin’s iMentor, Bethlyn, helped him settle into his new home and recommended many opportunities for Zahin to enhance his experience while studying abroad. Bethlyn was a huge factor in his life as a student. Now, Zahin is an iMentor—officially and unofficially. Zahin is a friend and mentor to everyone he meets. During our interview, several students came to say hello to Zahin proving his friendliness and sincerity to all university students.

Zahin knew he wanted to study Accounting as long as he can remember and knew the University of Utah had a renowned separate Accounting Program in the David Eccles School of Business. Zahin feels confident in the skills that he has acquired so far and will continue to acquire in the Accounting Program here at the U and is excited about future job prospects.

After graduating, Zahin plans to continue to work in the international community. Zahin passionately believes that if he can help just one person feel as comfortable as he did when he first came to the United States that this would be a great achievement.
In his free time, Zahin enjoys talking with friends over coffee and spending time getting to know others from different cultures and backgrounds. He also enjoys playing club soccer with teammates who represent countries from all over the world.
Zahin is passionate about sharing his experiences and the great opportunities awaiting International Students at the University of Utah. He is constantly telling friends about events and activities taking place downtown or at the U of U, telling students to visit the International Student & Scholar Services Office, to get involved with the International Student Council or various student groups and clubs, and to find their passion. Zahin has already made an impact in his first year and specifically wants International Students to make their mark here at the U of U.

Last Updated: 4/6/23