2014 Scholarship Recipients
Florian Nattero
Being in the College of Social and Behavioral Science (CSBS), Florian serves as the
Chair for the Psychology Student Advisory Committee (PSAC) where students participate
in retention, promotion, and tenure reviews, organize events providing relevant academic
and career information to the undergraduate population. Within PSAC, Florian has transformed
into a leader—once being a member, then secretary, moved into the position of vice
chair, and is now the chair. His leadership roles do not end there though, despite
Florian’s shy personality, he serves as the Vice President for Phi Kappa Phi, Vice
President of the International Honor Society in Psychology, a tutor for student athletes
who in help in math, psychology, sociology, and family studies, was an Ambassador
and iMentor for the ISSS services, an Ambassador for CSBS, and a peer advisor for
the Psychology Advising Center. Currently, Florian is in the Honors College working
on his interdisciplinary honors thesis in Psychology and Communication Sciences and
Disorders Departments. He is also working on two certificates—the Applied Positive
Psychology certificate and Substance Use Disorder Treatment certificate. Along with
his extensive work within the psychology department, Florian is a double major in
Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS).
Zhirong Wang
“If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not challenging yourself.” Zhirong Wang has
lived by these words. If he had a message for students, he states, “It’s not like
people are perfect. Everyone has been through failures and hard times but we shouldn’t
be afraid to make mistakes. We all make mistakes. Don’t get discourage.” Zhirong acknowledges
the negative experiences he’s encountered but is also humbled and feels fortunate
with every experience he has had. Wang transfer to the University of Utah from China
majoring in Biology. He has found the faculty within the Biology department to be
very supportive and welcoming which is perfect, considering that at times, Zhirong
feels like he lives in the biology lab. Current, he is working as a student research
assistant neurobiology lab and has held that position for two years.
Tram Hoang
“The worst thing that can happen when you try is not getting it, but what’s even worst
is not trying at all.” The whole idea behind the saying, “You miss 100% of the shots
you don’t take” has motivated her to keep trying new things. She is enthusiastic and
has a positive outlook with every chance she takes. Since Tram was in high school,
she has been intrigued about learning of new cultures and other people’s experiences.
When she was a sophomore in high school, she started thinking about how it would be
to study abroad. The next year, she joined a study aboard program that gave her the
opportunity to move to Arkansas. With her father as an accountant and her mother,
a professor at a university, Tram’s support system has always encouraged her to follow
her dream. Despite it being Tram’s second year at the University of Utah, she has
already established Upper Division at the David Eccles School of Business. At first,
Tram wanted to major in Finance, but after taking Marci Butterfield’s accounting class,
she decided accounting is what she wants her area of focus to be. Currently, she is
a member of Beta Alpha Psi, Epsilon Xi. Although it sounds like a sorority, it is
actually a club for accounting students that is dedicated to providing opportunities
and promoting events that will help their members find and hold successful and meaningful
careers in the financial services industry. She has always been interested in learning
more about how the economy affects the way we live and is thankful for the opportunities
Beta Alpha Psi gives her to network with different companies and firms throughout
the nation.
Tao Yu
He is a double major, working on his Bachelors of Science in Economic and Mathematics,
with an emphasis in Statistics. Along with that, he is also a double minor, studying
Computer Science and Business. Many may think that he has too much on his plate, but
despite his extensive studies, Tao has been on the Dean’s List every semester he has
attended U. He is currently a research assistant for the Department of Mathematics.
His experience as a research assistant does not end there; in the past Tao was a research
assistant for the Department of Economics. Tao also has received the Honor Roll Scholarship
through The College of Social and Behavioral Science, the mathematics Department Scholarship,
and is a member of Golden Key International Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi. Outside
of schoolwork, Tao enjoys the outdoors and loves going on adventures.
Yuji Chen
Yuji started volunteering her sophomore year and is now the Co-chair for Bennion Center
Service Corps and is grateful for the opportunity to be a leader. She is passionate
about serving and has found that it is through serving that helps her connect with
others. One of her hopes is to create a collaboration between International Student
and Scholar Services with the Bennion Center. She hopes to encourage more international
students to volunteer and pursue other interesting activities. She start as a class
tutor at Bryant Middle School and that opportunity has helped her develop leadership
skills for her position as Co-chair. Yuji also enjoys surrounding herself in diverse
groups and loves multiple cultures. Cuurently, all of her roommates are from difference
countries and she loves to learn more about their backgrounds, languages, and food.
She enjoys learning, hearing new perspectives and connecting with others.